The General Statuses here are used to rank people in intelligence, time served, and overall greatness. I myself will rank you, you can ask to be promoted and you might be but only if you have earned it. The ranking is quite straight forward, it goes bronze, silver, gold, crystal, master, champion, titan, and lastly legend. The higher up the better. The side roles are nerd, emo, and god status. The nerd role is actually quite helpful because in the ask a nerd chatroom you can ask a nerd a question or send them homework you don't want to do. The more homework and questions they answer, the higher their general status is. Don't be Emo. God Status is for admins.
There will be no nsfw posted, otherwise the people who posted the bad stuff will turn emo and lose all general status.
Insensitive posts may turn you emo depending on how bad they are, but I have assigned a counsel of all people to review insensitive posts and if they pass they get approved and can be posted whenever. First send the image or video and we will review it telling you whether or not it is approved. These approvals will be publicly hosted in the Courtroom (discussion boards)
That's it!
Home Page
The Home page is the main area for looking around, it has a greeting for new members, a list of some members, recent picture uploads, discussion board posts and your account info.
Your Account

You can look at your account by clicking on the my account tab to see and make some changes to your account like changing your profile picture. When you first click on it you can see your stud count and rank followed by a bar that sends messages to all of your friends, below that are all posts made by your friends and then a bar that says greet people, if you click on it you will send a greeting to the person in the greet people are. If you go back to the top you will see 5 tabs under the main 10 tabs, these tabs are overview, my profile, guestbook, gallery, videos and settings. I have already covered overview (what you first see) and next is my profile. After clicking on my profile you can see your usergroups, rank, stud count, personal info, and personal statistics, you will also see a button saying Edit Profile, when editing your profile you can change your profile picture and other stuff.

The Guestbook tab is a place where you and other people can talk to one specific person and is found on everyone's accounts.

The Gallery tab hold all of the pictures you have posted.

The Videos tab holds all of the videos you have posted. And the Settings tab is a place where you can change privacy settings and other profile settings.

Members is a tab that shows you every single registered user
The Videos section is where you can post videos and see other peoples posted videos, you can also share a youtube link that plays the video so you don't have to download it
Messages is this sites direct messaging system
The Events Tab is where you look if your curious about whether an event is going to happen, events are schedules dates where something cool happens.
Discussion Boards
The Discussion board tab is simple but complicated. Once you click on it you will see discussion boards for example, Cheese or first board. If you click on one of these boards you will be taken to the actual board where people say something for the fun of it or for people to respond, like the give me your studs board in the first board.
Polling Place
Here you can vote on topics like best cheese
Ranks and Studs

Studs are a currency in this website, you get studs for making friends, posting pictures, posting videos, being on this website, and making discussion board posts. 

Ranks are earned by collecting studs, at 100 studs you have the true bronze rank, and then true silver at 200, true gold at 500, true crystal at 1000, true master at 2000, true champion at 5000, true titan at 10000, true legend at 50000, true god status at 100000, and true jedi at 1000000. these ranks are used to seperate the dedicated users from the casual ones